Homosexuality and the Catholic Church Update

I was supposed to be taking a few days off from blogging but I thought this would be better to post sooner rather than later and so this post  is an extension to an earlier post here which discussed two articles on homosexuality including a recent one by by James Martin S.J. 

Also an article from Michael Bayly at Wild Reed here refers to a previous article from James Martin's in 2009 on homosexuality which states "

"Recently (that's 2009), on the blogsite of America magazine, James Martin, S.J., listed all the things that gay people “are not to do according to the teaching of the [Roman Catholic] church.” They include: Enjoy romantic love, marry, adopt a child, enter a seminary, and work for the church and be open.

Martin also notes that gay people in the church are frequently reminded that they are “objectively disordered,” and that their sexuality is “a deviation.”

He concludes his piece with the following:

Taken together, [all of this] raises an important pastoral question for all of us: What kind of life remains for these brothers and sisters in Christ, those who wish to follow the teachings of the church? Officially at least, the gay Catholic seems set up to lead a lonely, loveless, secretive life. Is this what God desires for the gay person?

Although the points Martin raises are important, I’m nevertheless disappointed that he makes no attempt to offer answers to the critical questions he poses. There’s also no acknowledgment that the “teachings of the church” regarding homosexuality are discerned by many Catholics - both gay and straight - as being at odds with the gospel message. Indeed, after often long and difficult journeys of discernment, many, in good conscience, dissent
from these teachings and trust instead their own experience of God mediated in and through their lives and relationships."

I recommend the rest of Michael Bayly's article.

 Priest and theologian James Alison believes that there are bright glimmers of hope to be found in the Catholic Church's wrestling with issues around homosexuality, but he also repudiates the term objective disorder.

He reflects on his own experience as a gay Catholic, on the givenness of sexual orientation, and on what he calls "the shape of God's affection".

James Alison: Sexuality, Certainty and Salvation

Complete transcript of the recording is here

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