Brother David Steindl Rast Archive of Talks

I have featured Benedictine Br. David Steindl- Rast several times on my blog over the years and was delighted to receive a notice in my e.mail today from this site.

A free library of Br. David's audio talks offered over the course of decades is now available. Click on link
All in all they have 508 lectures, and will continue to add to the public archive so that "we can all plumb the depths of Br. David’s legacy."
The site says "the talks place an emphasis on suffering, courage, and light in dark times. After a week of devastating events for people in Boston, Massachusetts and Sichuan Province China, as well as other places around the world, the resources consider the vital relationship between grief and gratefulness."

They have also updated their site’s grief resource links:

I'm truly thankful for the generosity of the Network for Grateful Living for making these resources freely available online and hope you find them of some use and share them with others. (I love their logo below too !)

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