The feast of Corpus Christi celebrates the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist.
But this year the Pope has added a special theme to this day : “One Lord, One Faith”, to testify to the deep unity that characterizes it.
“It will be an event, occurring for the first time in the history of the Church, which is why we can describe it as ‘historical’, says Arcbishop Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.
The cathedrals of the world will be synchronized with Rome and will, for an hour, be in communion with the Pope in Eucharistic adoration.
The Archbishop says there has been an incredible response to this initiative, going beyond the cathedrals and involving episcopal conferences, parishes, lay associations, and religious congregations, especially cloistered ones.”
Because the Year of Faith is meant “to intensify the celebration of the faith in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist, which is the summit towards which the activity of the Church is directed and also the source from which all its power flows” the Pope has asked that this initiative be extended to as many parishes as possible throughout the world.
Pope Francis has two intentions for this one hour which are:
“For the Church spread throughout the world and united today in the adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist as a sign of unity.
May the Lord make her ever more obedient to hearing His Word in order to stand before the world ‘ever more beautiful, without stain or blemish, but holy and blameless.’
That through her faithful announcement, the Word that saves may still resonate as the bearer of mercy and may increase love to give full meaning to pain and suffering, giving back joy and serenity.”
Pope Francis’ second intention is:
“For those around the world who still suffer slavery and who are victims of war, human trafficking, drug running, and slave labour.
For the children and women who are suffering from every type of violence. May their silent scream for help be heard by a vigilant Church so that, gazing upon the crucified Christ, she may not forget the many brothers and sisters who are left at the mercy of violence.
For all those who find themselves in economically precarious situations, above all for the unemployed, the elderly, migrants, the homeless, prisoners, and those who experience marginalization.
That the Church’s prayer and its active nearness give them comfort and assistance in hope and strength and courage in defending human dignity.”
Further information can be found on the Year of Faith website, at
Click here for the programme in English for the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which Pope Francis will follow during the hour of Eucharistic prayer
Click here for some words on The Eucharist from Pope Francis written when he was Cardinal Bergoglio.
Read the Complete Document here: "Eucharist: Gift of God For The Life Of The World."
I find the painting below by Daniel Bonnell called The Dove and the Eucharist a very compelling one. When we receive the Eucharist we remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and Jesus gives us His Holy Spirit to continue living this sacrificial life out in our everyday lives.
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"The Eucharist is the "source and the summit of the Christian life." "The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it.
English: Damiane. The Eucharist (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
(Taken from Sacrosanctum Concilium 47, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy from the Second Vatican Council)
From Fr. John Dear S.J.
"For me, as a Christian, Catholic, and Jesuit priest, the Eucharist is the place where I remember and meet Jesus, the place of peace and reconciliation, and the place that pushes me back into the world to make peace."
You can read the rest of his article here.
We Come To Your Feast Hymn - by Michael Joncas.
Click on link below to listen.
Click on link below to listen.
Poems On Corpus Christi
with an accompanying and interesting critique of the poem.
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Torture is the imagination of the state.
Eucharist is the imagination of the church.
Thanks to
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Image source Lyrics from She Must and Shall Go Free by Derek Webb Go in peace to love and to serve And let your ears ring long with what you've heard And may the bread on your tongue leave a trail of crumbs To lead the hungry back to the place that you are from And take to the world this love, this hope and faith And take to the world this rare, relentless grace And like the three in one, know you must become What you wanna save 'cause that's still the way He takes to the world So go and go far, take light deep in the dark Believe what's true He uses all, even you And may the bread on your tongue leave a trail of crumbs To lead the hungry back to the place that you are from Well, and take to the world this love, this hope and faith And take to the world this rare, relentless grace And like the three in one, know you must become What you wanna save 'cause that's still the way And He takes to the world Well, and take to the world this love, this hope and faith And take to the world this rare, relentless grace And like the three in one, know you must become What you wanna save 'cause that's still the way He takes to the world, He takes to the world. |
- Reflections from 2010 Corpus Christi post here

beauty of the Eucharist is precisely that it is the place where a
vulnerable God invites vulnerable people to come together in a peaceful
When we break bread and give it to each other,
fear vanishes and God becomes very close."
Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey
"The Eucharist is a prayer of helplessness, a prayer for God to give us a unity we cannot give to ourselves.
is not incidental that Jesus instituted it in the hour of his most
intense loneliness, when he realized that all the words he had spoken
hadn't been enough and that he had no more words to give.
Our generation, like every generation before it, senses its helplessness and intuits its need for a messiah from beyond."
We cannot heal ourselves and we cannot find the key to overcome our wounds and divisions all on our own.
So we must turn our helplessness into a Eucharistic prayer, that asks God to come and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, namely, create community, and we must go to the Eucharist for this same reason."
(Extract from Ronald Rolheiser : Column Archive: the Healing Embrace of The Eucharist.)
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"The Many Faces of The Eucharist." Click here for another article by Fr. Ron Rolheiser
and his video below on The Eucharist - God's Embrace
and his video below on The Eucharist - God's Embrace
"To live, we must daily break the body and shed the blood of Creation.
When we do this knowingly, lovingly, skillfully, reverently, it is a
When we do it ignorantly, greedily, clumsily, destructively, it is a
In such desecration we condemn ourselves to spiritual and moral loneliness, and others to want."
In such desecration we condemn ourselves to spiritual and moral loneliness, and others to want."
Pange Lingua - Written by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, this hymn is considered the most beautiful of Aquinas' hymns
and one of the great hymns of the Church.The rhythm of the Pange Lingua is said to have come down from a marching song of Caesar's Legions: "Ecce, Caesar nunc triumphat qui subegit Gallias." The last two stanzas make up the Tantum Ergo (Down in Adoration Falling) that is used at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
and one of the great hymns of the Church.The rhythm of the Pange Lingua is said to have come down from a marching song of Caesar's Legions: "Ecce, Caesar nunc triumphat qui subegit Gallias." The last two stanzas make up the Tantum Ergo (Down in Adoration Falling) that is used at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
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More previous posts and reflections on the Eucharist from the archives..
from Maundy Thursday 2010 here.
from Maundy Thursday 2010 here.
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Image source by John Kiefer |
is a beautiful video honouring the Priesthood of Jesus Christ for Holy
Thursday, featuring Washing of the Feet and The Words of the Eucharist.( pre- revised version.)
The music is an arrangement of an old hymn "Softly and Tenderly,"
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Last Supper by Watanabe Sadao (1913-1996 |
Listening To Christ's Heartbeat: A Eucharistic Image by Fr. Ron Rolheiser
Extract below...
"The last supper account in John's gospel gives us a wonderful mystical
The evangelist describes the beloved disciple as reclining on the breast of Jesus. What's contained in this image? A number of things.".....
The evangelist describes the beloved disciple as reclining on the breast of Jesus. What's contained in this image? A number of things.".....
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