Books and Gulls

Colin and I went down to St Ives and had a great weekend. We went to The Tate Gallery bookshop and bought Rose Hilton's biography " Something To Keep The Balance ".

We know Rose quite well but the biography is "an exceptionally frank portrayal of the emotional and psychological wellsprings of her life. Rose has had to fight for her identity but has won through to genuine acclaim". The author Andrew Lambirth is art critic for The Spectator and also writes for The Independent and The Sunday Times. He has also written a biography of Roger Hilton ( husband of Rose), Kitaj and L.S. Lowry.

 As part of Faber and Fabers 80th anniversary there are six beautiful poetry classics by Auden, Eliot, Hughes, Plath, Betjeman and Yeats.

The selections have been made by great writers, each one with a stunning cover and matching endpapers by a contemporary printmaker.

We also bought a painting of a seagull for the kitchen
in homage to the good that eventually came out of the awful mess they made that contributed to the flood - the house really is so beautiful now.

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