The Largest Christian Gathering in Europe

 I had this bookmarked to post much earlier but somehow it got waylaid. 
"A mixture of a University summer school, a Bible convention, Taizé, a synod meeting, the Edinburgh Festival, a brass band festival for 500 bands, an Ideal Homes exhibition and a cup final – all rolled into one and all went on at the same time …" That’s how one participant from Great Britain has described Kirchentag, a phenomenon that is hard to define or compare with anything else. It is a unique event and a tremendous experience.

More people were locked out than could get in. The excluded crowds chanted ‘Wir wollen rein’ (‘We want to come in’) to listen to these two elderly men talk together about church.
Can you imagine that ever happening in Britain? Most of the excluded were young people eager to garner the wisdom of these two theologians. Why? Because their theology is neither dry nor ‘merely academic’, but engages with the real world of economics, politics and culture. They bring to their subject the intellectual rigour that is associated with German philosophical thinking. Yet, they speak with simplicity, clarity and passion – eschewing theological cleverness in order to communicate accessibly with all-comers: they are remarkable men who show no sign of being ego-driven.

Click here for the original  newspaper article in the UK Independent

Photos from 2009 Kirchentag in Bremen

A taster of Jurgen Moltmann can be found in this transcript of a 2006 interview

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