Thursday May 26, 2011 Memorial of Saint Philip Neri,Priest and Reflections on Priesthood

Mass readings for today are here

Gospel John 15 : 9-11

Jesus said to his disciples:
“As the Father loves me, so I also love you.
Remain in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love,
just as I have kept my Father’s commandments
and remain in his love.
“I have told you this so that
my joy might be in you and
your joy might be complete.”

Painting above " I am The True Vine " by kind permission of the artist Valerie Sjodin
Image copyright Valerie Sjodin 2011.

I recommend checking out more of her wonderful work and the story behind them can be found here  at and her website 

Today, 26 May, is the feast of St Philip Neri and Italian priest who founded the Congregation of the Oratory (Oratorians) in 16th-century Rome. St Philip was educated by Dominicans.

This stained glass window is in the Dominican sisters' convent at Stone, Staffordshire. 
( Image from Flickr)
I had my secondary education in St Dominic's High School Staffordshire, not far from here and was educated by Dominican nuns!

Philip Neri's life story can be found here. Amongst other things he founded an oratory. .
Interesting and timely then that on his feast day a comment on models of the priesthood might be worth a mention from a priest of today who also lives in an oratory. ( In Oxford, England)

First a link here to a post of mine last November which linked to an article in The Catholic Herald that contained extracts from the writings of Fr. Jerome Bertram, a priest of today who like Philip Neri lives in an oratory ( In Oxford England.)

Secondly a link to a video by Fr.Robert Barron S.J. made last year for his 24th anniversary as a priest and a  link here to an article made a couple of days ago for his  25th year as a priest and where he talks about why despite all the scandals in the church he believes it's still a great time to be a priest.

Finally a link to the much loved Fr. Austin Fleming's post here from his blog A Concord Pastor Comments as he celebrated his 38th year as a priest only a week ago today. 

For once, I won't mention women priests or deacons here but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it !

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