It will soon be the feast of St Francis of Assisi
( October 4th) but I am ready for it now !!
Ahh Assisi, it is a long time since I visited there but you still have a place in my heart and now I need to capture again some of your joy and peace..
These three beautiful videos below capture the sacred space and Franciscan grace of Assisi and nearby Subasio:they are both by Ingrid Henzler.
The first is of The Hermitage in Assisi - Eremo delle Carceri and the second covers a wider area of Assisi as well as the hermitage.
The third has breathtakingly beautiful photos of Mount Subasio, where Francis received the stigmata.
This extract below is from Francis - The Journey and the Dream" by Murray Bodo
"Francis smiled as he thought of those little caves on the side of Mount Subasio. He knew, as he lay here on the plain below the mountain, that he would never again take the holy climb in his body.
But when his soul took flight above the little church of St. Mary of the Angels, he hoped that he would soar once more to the top of Mount Subasio and glide through the caves, blessing them for all those future wanderers who would be wise enough to seek themselves by burrowing into the earth of mount Subasio.
He would ask Jesus to let their coming forth from that mountain be a resurrection of their minds and hearts and an ascent of spirit to heights of holy love.
Who would they be, these men and women of time to come? Little people, surely, of every age in life, seekers all of the Dream and of the Journey he himself had understood.
He prayed for them and for their journey full of dreams. He lifted his mind above the earth and saw them coming to Assisi from every land and every corner of the earth. And this is what he said:
Bless this earth, dear LORD,And every cave within it.
For here will come a hostOf lonely wanderers.
May this blessed mountainHold them tight untilThe morning of their tomorrowsBreaks upon the crestOf every Mount Subasio on the earth.
LORD Jesus, I Your little servantAnd singer of Your love,
Announce for You to all the childrenOf the Dream,
"Rise up, you dreamers and troubadoursOf the endless Journey!Your Dream begins."
He wished that Brother Leo could read his mind, so that he might copy down this prayer for all the seekers yet to come.
Now it would be lost, except perhaps if someone young at heart in years to come, standing on the crest of Mount Subasio, would hear in his own heart the echoes of what Francis uttered in his soul as Sister Death approached.
Francis prayed that it would happen."
An invitation to be still and enter into the mystery and allow the transformation of heart and soul.
Music "Agnus Dei" and Kyrie Eleison by Jean-Marie Benjamin
In Henzler's own words : "this video is dedicated to God - His creation - The gift of life : our journey on earth... a pilgrimage touched by the rising sun... a drop of rainbow colours..... soon it is night."
I made my song a coatWB Yeats - “A Coat”
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heel to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the world’s eyes
As though they’d wrought it.
Song, let them take it,
For there’s more enterprise
In walking naked.
May all who share the Franciscan charism be blessed today and in the future.
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