Let Us Pray For One Another

It's nearly a quarter to one in the morning here in Cornwall as I write this - an odd time to be posting but it's been a hectic day.

As I was about to call it a day I came across this post from Fr Austin Fleming at A Concord Pastor Comments and it is a reminder to me and I hope to anyone who visits here just how important it is to step off the wheel and pray. Thanks Austin !

Fr Austin's beautiful prayers always sustain me  and I hope you will join in with this one, wherever you are.

I don't think he will mind me putting his prayer in its entirety here.

"We all ask others to pray for us
and we promise our prayers in return...

This night I pray for some special people in my life

and I'm sure you're praying for friends and loved ones in yours...

Like you, I pray for people who have many needs

and I take comfort in knowing that the Lord knows those needs
even before we speak them...

Like you, I pray for family and friends,

for neighbors and parishioners
who have asked for my prayers...

And like you, I pray for people I've never met,

for whom others have asked me to pray...

For some we pray for help, hope and healing...

for others we intercede for patience, forgiveness and reconciliation,
for many we ask for guidance, counsel and understanding...
for others we pray for relief, comfort and consolation...
and for all we ask for serenity, harmony and peace...

We pray for the sick and the dying

and for those who care for them, day by day...

We pray for an end to violence in peoples' homes,
in their streets and among nations...

We pray for the healing of the abused and betrayed

and for the restoration of trust and confidence in the Church...

We pray for the victory of justice and a harvest of peace...

We pray for those who serve and protect us, at home and abroad

and we pray for our enemies and for those who persecute us...

And we pray with grateful hearts for those who this day

found peace, happiness and joy...

I join you in your prayer tonight and I pray for you...

Please join in my prayer tonight and pray for me...

God, grant us serenity to accept the things we cannot change,

courage to change the things we can
and the wisdom to know the difference."

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