UPDATE: Mapping A Liturgical Sentence and An Elegy For The Old Sacramentary

I have added this new article from NCR ( 23.11.11): "Making Do With A Faulty Translation" an NCR editorial from here, and as always the comments section is well worth a read for diverse opinions.

Original post below

I have just read a fictional story in the NCR on the "Revised Revision of the Newish-Olde Roman Missal" which I can thoroughly recommend.

It's called " Mapping A Liturgical Sentence."ably written by
Fr. Isaac McDaniel, a Catholic priest who teaches at Bellarmine University and Spalding University in Louisville, Kentucky.

They say there's many a true word spoken in jest and I am so pleased that someone else feels the same way about this as I do. 

The article focuses on just one exemplar of the revised liturgy but there are several others that could easily fit the bill.

Read the whole article here... It's splendid. 

Then there is this moving elegy for The "Old "Sacramentary by Fr. James Martin S.J in America Magazine in which he describes the liturgy that he and I have grown up with and that we are leaving behind as :"simple, clean, clear, direct, unadorned, beautiful."

The revisions certainly share none of those characteristics.

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