How is everybody doing ?
Are you finding your reflections going round and round or are you making any progress ??!!
A few Richard Rohr reflections to start off this third week in the Lenten desert...
Are you finding your reflections going round and round or are you making any progress ??!!
A few Richard Rohr reflections to start off this third week in the Lenten desert...
All God appears to want from us is honesty and humility (and they
are finally the same thing). If God is holding out for human perfection, God is
going to have a long wait. There is no other way to read Jesus’ stories of the
prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) or the publican and the Pharisee (Luke 18:9-14).
In each story, the one who did wrong ends up
being right—simply because he is honest and humble about it.
How have we been able to
miss that important point?I suspect it is because the ego wants to think well of itself and deny any shadow material. Only the soul knows we grow best in the shadowlands.
We are blinded inside of either total light or total darkness, but “the light shines on inside the darkness, and it is a light that darkness cannot overcome” (John 1:5).
Ironically, it is in darkness that we find and ever long for more light. Did you know that even physics is now telling us that what looks like total darkness to the human eye is actually filled with neutrinos, which are light?
Again, the mystics like John of the Cross knew this to be true on the spiritual level too
From Breathing under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps,
Face the shadow side of yourself, but do not identify with it. It
represents only part of who you are. Totally identifying with the shadow leads
to much evil in the world. If you live there, you will be driven and motivated
by fear, guilt, shame, and even malice.
So there is a difference between
relating to the denied parts of yourself (bringing light to them), and totally
“acting them out” (which is to leave them in their unconscious and dark state).
This is why it is so foundational to know yourself, and to learn to be honest
about your real motivations.
When we meet our shadow self, our response should not be anger or
surprise as much as sadness.
I am sure this is what so many of our saints meant
by “weeping over their sins,” which to most of us seemed a bit dramatic—or
We can experience days of deep sorrow after encountering what we’ve
denied in ourselves for a long time. We get a glimpse of how broken and needy
we are. It is a huge humiliation to the ego, and so most people just refuse to
do much shadowboxing.
The hero in us wants to attack, fix, or deny the existence of our
dark side.
We can also be tempted to share dramatically everything about it as
a way to control it (sometimes called ventilating or dumping).
The saint merely
weeps over the shadow and forgives it—and by God’s grace forgives himself for
being a mere human.
He opens his arms to that which has been in exile and
welcomes it home for the friend that it often is.
Adapted from On the Threshold of Transformation: Daily Meditations for MenDISCERNING OUR COMPLICITY
We are all complicit in and benefiting from what Dorothy Day
called “the dirty rotten system.” That’s not condemning anybody; it’s
condemning everybody because we are all complicit and enjoying the fruits of
domination and injustice. (Where were your shirts and underwear made?)
the only way to be really non-complicit in the system is to choose to live a very simple life.
That’s the only way out of the system!
Thus most of the great wisdom teachers like Gandhi, Saints Francis and Clare, Simone Weil, Dorothy Day, Jesus and Buddha—lived voluntarily simple lives.
Thus most of the great wisdom teachers like Gandhi, Saints Francis and Clare, Simone Weil, Dorothy Day, Jesus and Buddha—lived voluntarily simple lives.
That’s almost the only way to stop bending the knee before the system. This is
a truly transfigured life in cultures which are always based on climbing,
consumption, and competition (1 John 2:15-17).
Once we idealize social climbing, domination of others, status
symbols, power, prestige and possessions, we are part of a never ending game
that is almost impossible to escape.
It has its own inner logic that is
self-maintaining, self-perpetuating, and self-congratulating as well as elitist
and exclusionary.
It will never create a just or happy world, yet most
Christians never call it into question.
Jesus came to free us from this lie
which will never make us happy anyway, because it’s never enough, and we never
completely win.
Adapted from The Spiral of Violence: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Night and Day I Listen for You O Lord. My heart yearns for You..
Playing For Change : Higher Ground....
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