Scripture readings for Sunday's Mass are here
Various reflections from St Louis Centre for Liturgy are here,
including this excellent one from Fr. Ron Rolheiser.
Servant of The World
This recent reflection from Pastor Roger Karban forms part of a trilogy- (the other two reflections can be accessed from NCR here. )
It gives an extra perspective to this Sunday's extract from Mark's gospel, by telling us that at this time, Jesus has about a week to live.
It gives an extra perspective to this Sunday's extract from Mark's gospel, by telling us that at this time, Jesus has about a week to live.
The author goes on: "No wonder his disciples are
both amazed and afraid. What he says has deep implications for each of
Yet, in spite of this, James and John come up with a classic
misunderstanding of Christian faith. “Grant that in your glory we may
sit one at your right and the other at your left.”
The heart of Christian faith lies in Jesus’ clarification of what it
means to die with him.
“You know those who are recognized as rulers over
the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their
authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather,
whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever
wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of
Man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom
for many.”
Mark’s first way of dying with Jesus is to be completely open to
whatever God asks; his second, to accept even the most insignificant
persons into our communities on an equal footing with everyone else. His
third revolves around how we look at our entire lives, our purpose for
being on Earth." You can read the complete reflection here.
My own post on the Gospel from last year is here.

The problem was that the only people who washed feet were the least.
So there they sat, feet caked with dirt.
It was such a sore point that they were not even going to talk about it.
No one wanted to be considered the least.
Then Jesus took the towel and a basin and redefined greatness. "
Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline
Image source
The Servant Song
I love this song but would add that it's not just brothers on the road - it's sisters too !
Two hard hitting articles below give much food for reflection.
Great leaders are not impressed with themselves
The sickness of leadership
and interesting perspective on the hijacking of the term "servant leadership " in institutions.
Jesus' message on descent and suffering, in Mark's gospel this Sunday are uncomfortable to read but are integral parts of discipleship .
This message below from Fr. Richard Rohr talks about something similar in Luke's Gospel : the sign of Jonah is also a story we have to integrate in our own lives.
"Luke illustrates Jesus’ message with a central metaphor: “the sign of Jonah” (Luke 11:29-32). Without the sign of Jonah—the pattern of new life only
through death—Christianity remains a largely impotent ideology, another
way to “win” instead of how to turn all failure around.
reflecting cultures, largely became a language and practice of ascent
instead of the treacherous journey of descent that characterizes Jonah,
Jeremiah, Job, John the Baptizer, and Jesus himself.
All falling is
potentially and ideally “upward”! Jesus redeems and transforms all
human failure and utterly democratizes the human journey.
the “way of the cross” became “what Jesus did to save us”—or even a
necessary heavenly transaction (“atonement theology”)—instead of the necessary pattern that is necessary and redemptive for all of us here and now.
Basically, what Jesus is teaching and living is this: Do
not trust any spiritual teaching which does not lead you into the
belly of the whale at least once—and lead you out the other side with a
deeper message and a very clear God identity. The “sign of Jonah” is the “only” sign (11:29)
that Jesus says he will give us. It is rather amazing that the ego has
been able to avoid this totally clear message from both Jesus’ life
and Luke’s Gospel. Many spiritual teachers and leaders, and even
clergy, have spent their whole life avoiding such suffering and
failure. One wonders what their witness to resurrection might be."
Adapted from
The Good News According to Luke:
Spiritual Reflections , pp. 152, 178
Spiritual Reflections , pp. 152, 178
All I Once Held Dear Robin Mark
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