It's Nearly That Time of Year Again : Lent !!

Hell's teeth . It's almost time for Lent again.

Well. I wonder what sort of experience it will be this year ?
 Forgive me, (see, already I'm practicing repentance and penitence), but I feel the whole of 2013 has had a Lenten quality about it so far.

Is it going to be 40 days and nights of heaping ashes of ignominy and opprobium on myself and the whole wide world, or should I hope for something gentler in keeping with my age as a forest dweller and elder ?

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 Pile of straw with a fir and a witch doll attached to it, for the traditional "Funken" bonfire on the first sunday of lent in Herdwangen, district of Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (March 9th, 2003). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Perhaps I should approach the desert this year more as a journey towards a "Vers Sacrum" : - a Latin phrase I have only just found the meaning of but which appeals to me very much. 

The translation means "Sacred Spring." 

I think we could all manage some of that in our lives. 

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