Breaking News ...... We have a new Pope !!!! More to follow......
As the cardinals entered the Sistine Chapel for Day Two of the Papal Conclave to choose a new Pope, updated coverage continues below.
*** Update. Click here for A Chemistry Lesson from The Vatican on that smoke. ****
This young seagull made world news today today - No surprises that the bird now has its very own twitter page @conclave seagull
Times to watch smoke alarm for action in UK 08.30, 11.30, 15.30, 18.30.
So far we have had a total of four black smoke alarms in two days = No Pope.
In the 2005 election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, it took four ballots. The
October 1978 result that saw Cardinal Karol Wojtyla become John Paul II took
eight ballots.
Guardian newspaper has excellent LIVE FEED coverage of DayTwo here -
There's lots of factual and speculative (!) commentary and videos.
Meanwhile you may like to try out,The Guardian's Interactive Pontifficator to help you choose your own Pope. You can use it to explore the 115 Cardinal Electors views on issues from contraception to relations with other faiths, peruse their CVs, and choose the man you think is best qualified for the job. I can't vouch for the complete accuracy of these, but that makes it a pretty useful exercise for discussing the reliability of reporting and objectivity. The Guardian admit they had to tread several delicate lines categorising the men who would be Pope for their Pontifficator interactive.- Their religion correspondent Andrew Brown explains how they arrived at their decisions here.
Fr. Lombardi Vatican Press Officer gives live updates and Press Releases.
Three different languages here so you have to be patient and wait for Fr. Rosica to give the English summary translation s !!
Day One Reports here and other related recent posts links here and here and here.
Radio/TV Vatican video live update below.
- Reports in text, sound and images in real time
- Webcast on the YouTube/Vaticanradiovideo channel hosting an in-studio round-table, including guests and experts and telephone link-ups with St Peter’s Square:
- Updates on Twitter:
- Interactivity on Facebook:
Telegraph UK Live TV Feed Coverage throughout the day from here, or below. It can take about 10-20 secs to fully load....