First Friday Fish For Pope Francis

There is so much being said and written about Pope Francis.
It's hard to choose what to post today, but here a few fish caught in the net..

A simple dish fit for Pope Francis for Fridays.
Image above From e bay !
 I loved this post here which contains this :

A bird sits upon a chimney…
White smoke…
What shall we call him?
Francis…Francis the First, the first…

The Holy Spirit is playful and wild....

"The dove has traditionally represented the Holy Spirit but it was a bird with a rather less divine reputation that heralded the name of the new pope. As the crowds massed in front of the Vatican, a seagull alighted on the chimney from which smoke billows to indicate the outcome of the papal ballot in the Sistine Chapel below."

and then this one below in front of the Papal balcony....
Right on time !!

 and I agree with her words "for the first time in many years, being a Catholic creates a sense of freshness and delight about the Church and its possibilities and promises."

I can't tell for sure, but is this a male AND a female gull on the roof of the Sistine Chapel ?
Could it be a portent of greater things to come; a recovery of the divine feminine, a restoration of the repressed or lost anima of the church, a role for women in ministry.
Just me hoping- possibilities. :-))

Tina's reference to a "bird of hope with feathers" by Barbara Kingsolver
is taken from a poem by Emily Dickenson so I've added the full poem below; for me it sums up the free gift and grace of hope we have received this week in the election of Pope Francis.

Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.

This quote below from the new Pope is a challenge
and a reminder that faith and hope and love are gifts but we then have a responsiblity to use those gifts for others.

English poet and Jesuit
  (28 July 1844 – 8 June 1889)

 Image source

God’s Grandeur

The world is charged with the grandeur of God.
It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;
It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil
Crushed. Why do men then now not reck his rod?

Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;
And all is seared with trade; bleared, smeared with toil;
And wears man’s smudge and shares man’s smell: the soil
Is bare now, nor can foot tell, being shod.

And for all this, nature is never spent;

There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the last lights off the black West went
Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs—
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent
World broods with warm breast and ah! bright wings.

A St Francis From Scrap by Joel Haas from my post here

much in keeping with the words of Pope Francis yesterday quoting from St Francis of Assisi
"Rebuild My Church"
I like that it is made from scrap !

The prayer below is from The Prayers of St Francis of Assisi . 
from here.

Let Us Desire Nothing Else

let us desire nothing else,
let us want nothing else,
let nothing else please us and cause us delight
except our Creator, Redeemer and Savior,
the only true God,
Who is the fullness of good,
all good, every good, the true and supreme good,
Who alone is good,
merciful, gentle, delightful, and sweet,
Who alone is holy,
just, true, holy, and upright,
Who alone is kind, innocent, clean,
from Whom, through Whom and in Whom
is all pardon, all grace, all glory
of all penitents and just ones,
of all the blessed rejoicing together in heaven.

let nothing hinder us
     nothing separate us
     or nothing come between us.
Let all of us
     wherever we are
     in every place
     at every hour
     at every time of day
     everyday and continually
believe truly and humbly
and keep in our heart
and love, honor, adore,serve
     praise and bless
     glorify and exalt
     magnify and give thanks to
the most high and supreme eternal God
Trinity and Unity
the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Creator of all
Savior of all who believe in Him
     and hope in Him
     and love Him
Who is
     without beginning and without end
     unchangeable, invisible,
     indescribable, ineffable,
     incomprehensible, unfathomable,
     blessed, worthy of praise,
     glorious, exalted on high, sublime,
     most high, gentle, lovable,
     delectable and totally desirable above all else

A St Patrick's Day Greeting for this Sunday from .......yes, it has to be .......a Jesuit and it's on a tin whistle ... so I hope that adds a little Franciscan charism of simplicity too.

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