Eucharistic Prayer III

For anyone interested in liturgy, who has struggled with the new translations of the Mass, I found this series of three articles from the Australian Catholica Magazine really good.

Here's the introduction from the site...

"In this extended investigation Fr Daniel Donovan is essentially arguing for the Liturgy of the Church to be returned to the people of God as discerned by the leaders of the Church who met at the Second Vatican Council

He will be arguing: "When Vatican II introduced the vernacular into the liturgy the Council did not simply set about translating or transliterating the Latin texts into contemporary languages. There were principles such as 'adaptation' and 'participation' recommended so that the meaning of the rituals might be understood and nourish faith development within the people of God. Translations are not simply about words but involve the more intricate process of rendering the meaning of texts between languages, idioms and different cultural mindsets."

                        I've added some of the key images from the articles below
Above image revealing a more inclusive and Catholic explanation of the community action
and role of the whole Assembly in the Mass.

Part Two- Complete text can be read here.

 In part 2 of his exploration of the Eucharistic Liturgy, Fr Daniel Donovan arguably provides one of the best pieces of adult catechesis on the Vatican II-inspired meanings of the Mass that you're likely to find anywhere. He effectively argues that this recent exercise to try and impose a new translation on the people of God has aborted the understanding that was discerned by the leaders of the Church who met at the Second Vatican Council. Today's commentary concentrates on the Christology, Theology and Ecclesiology inherent to the evolution in our thinking that came via the Second Vatican Council. In his follow-up tomorrow he will contrast how the New Translation attempts to reverse this understanding and return us to more medieval theologies and understandings of what the Eucharist and Mass is all about.

Part Three - Complete text can be read here

In this withering conclusion to his series examining the New English translation of Eucharistic Prayer III Fr Daniel Donovan argues: "The English text of Eucharistic Prayer III in the new Missal is simply not the vernacular although it uses English words. Nor can it be claimed that it is a work of English literary merit. Unfortunately, the text (as it stands) is more akin to the products of a Creative Writing workshop than a ritual text intended to foster liturgical participation and nourish faith development."

(That word oblation is so bad !! )


Vere sanctus es, Domine,
et merito te laudat omnis a te condita creatura,
quia per Filium tuum, Dominum nostrum lesum Christum,
Spiritus Sancti operante virtute
vivificas et sanctificas universa,
et populum tibi congregare non desinis,
ut a solis ortu usque ad occasum
oblatio munda offeratur nomini tuo.
Father, you are holy indeed, and all creation rightly gives you praise. All life, all holiness comes from you through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, by the working of the Holy Spirit. From age to age you gather a people to yourself, so that from east to west a perfect offering may be made to the glory of your name.
You are indeed Holy, 0 Lord. and all you have created rightly gives you praise, for through your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, by the power and working of the Holy Spirit, you give life to all things and make them holy, and you never cease to gather a people to yourself, so that from the rising of the sun to its setting a pure sacrifice may be offered to your name.
Supplices ergo te, Domine, deprecamur,
ut haec munera, quae tibi sacranda detulimus,
eodem Spiritu sanctificare digneris,
ut Corpus et + Sanguis fiant Filii tui Domini nostri lesu Christi,
cuius mandato haec mysteria celebramus.
And so, Father, we bring you these gifts. We ask you to make them holy by the power of your Spirit, that they may become the body and blood of your Son. our Lord Jesus Christ, at whose command we celebrate this Eucharist.
Therefore, 0 Lord, we humbly implore you: by the same Spirit graciously make holy these gifts we have brought to you for consecration, that they may become the Body and Blood of dour Son our Lord Jesus Christ at w hose command w e celebrate these mysteries.
Ipse enim in qua nocte tradebatur
accepit panem et tibi gratias agens
benedixit, fregit, deditque discipulis suis, dicens:
On the night he was betrayed. he took bread and gave you thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said:
For on the night he was betrayed he himself took bread, and giving you thanks he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Simili modo, postquam cenatum est,
accipiens calicem, et tibi gratias agens benedixit,
deditque discipulis suis, dicens:
When supper was ended. he took the cup. Again he gave you thanks and praise, gave the cup to his disciples. and said:
In the same way, when supper was ended, he took the chalice, and giving you thanks he said the blessing, and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Memores igitur, Domine,
eiusdem Filii tui salutiferae passionis
necnon mirabilis resurrectionis et ascensionis in caelum, sed et praestolantes alterum eius adventum,
offerimus tibi, gratias referentes,
hoc sacrificium vivum et sanctum
Father, calling to mind the death your Son endured for our salvation, his glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven. and ready to greet him when he comes again, we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice.
Therefore, 0 Lord, we celebrate the memorial of the saving passion of your Son, his wondrous Resurrection and Ascension into heaven. and as we look forward to his second coming, we offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice.
Respice, quaesumus,
in oblationem Ecclesiae tuae
et, agnoscens Hostiarn, cuius voluisti immolatione placari,
concede, ut qui Corpore et Sanguine Filii tui reficimur, Spiritu eius Sancto repleti,
unum corpus et unus spiritus inveniamur in Christo.
Look with favour on your Church's offering, and see the Victim whose death has reconciled us to yourself. Grant that we, who are nourished by his body and blood, may be filled with his Holy Spirit. and become one body. one spirit in Christ.
Look. we pray, upon the oblation of your Church, and, recognizing the sacrificial Victim by whose death you willed to reconcile us to yourself, grant that we. who are nourished by the Body and Blood of your Son, and tilled with his Holy Spirit. may become one body. one spirit in Christ.

Ipse nos tibi perficiat munus aeternum,
ut cum electis tuis hereditatem consequi valeamus,
inprimis cum beatissima Virgine, Dei Genetrice, Maria, cum beads Apostolis tuis
et gloriosis Martyribus (cum Sancto N.) et omnibus Sanctis,
quorum intercessione perpetuo apud to confidimus adiuvari.
May he make us an everlasting gift to you and enable us to share in the inheritance of your saints, with Mary, the virgin Mother of God. with the apostles, the martyrs. [Saint N.] and all your saints. On whose constant intercession we rely for help.
May he make of us an eternal offering to you, so that we may obtain an inheritance with your elect, especially with the most blessed Virgin Mary. Mother of God. with your blessed Apostles and glorious Martyrs. [with Saint N.] and with all the Saints, on whose constant intercession in your presence we rely for unfailing help.
Haec Hostia nostrae reconciliationis proficiat,
quaesumus, Domine,
ad totius mundi pacem atque salutem.
Ecclesiam team, peregrinantem in terra,
in fide et caritate firmare digneris
cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N.
et Episcopo nostro N.,
cum episcopali ordine et universo clero
et omni populo acquisitionis tuae.
Lord, may this sacrifice, which has made our peace with you, advance the peace and salvation of all the world. Strengthen in faith and love your pilgrim Church on earth, your servant, Pope N., our Bishop N., and all the bishops, with the clergy and the entire people your Son has gained for you.
May this Sacrifice of our reconciliation, we pray, 0 Lord, advance the peace and salvation of all the world. Be pleased to confirm in faith and charity your pilgrim Church on earth, with your servant N. our Pope and N. our Bishop, the Order of Bishops. all the clergy, and the entire people you make your own.
Votis huius familiae,
quasi tibi astare voluisti, adesto propitius.
Omnes filios tuos ubique disperses
tibi, clemens Pater, miseratus coniunge.
Father, hear the prayers of the family you have gathered here before you. In mercy and love unite all your children wherever they may be.
Listen graciously to the prayers of this family, whom you have summoned before you. In your compassion, 0 Merciful Father, gather to yourself all of your children scattered throughout the earth.
Fratres nostros defunctos,
et omnes qui, tibi placentes, ex hoc saeculo transierunt,
in regnum tuum benignus admitte,
ubi fore speramus,

ut simul gloria tua perenniter satiemur,
per Christuat Dominurn nostrum,
per quern mundo bona cuncta largiris.
Welcome into your kingdom our departed brothers and sisters, and all who have left this world in your friendship. We hope to enjoy for ever the vision of your glory, through Christ our Lord, from whom all good things come.
To our departed brothers and sisters and to all who were pleasing to you at their passing from this life. give kind admittance to your kingdom. There we hope to enjoy for ever the fullness of your glory through Christ our Lord through whom you bestow on the world all that is good.

Chart: Adapted from Joseph O'Leary Home Page

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