Why Are We Here ?

Why Are We Here ??

 I admit I have asked God this question several times.
One of my earliest memories was trying to learn this answer from the catechism.

  "God made us to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him for ever in Heaven". 

It seems so simple, and yet I wonder how many people today share that view and even if we do believe it, the way in which we each come to know, love and serve God has been a brutal battleground of differing opinions through the centuries.

Fr. Ron Rolheiser's article here on "Why Faith Feels Like Doubt and Darkness" is certainly one I can relate to at certain times.

In December 1998, Life Magazine asked this question to a range of people
 from celebrated authors, actors, and artists to global spiritual leaders to everyday farmers, barbers, and welfare mothers. In 1991, they collected the results,
 and the answers were published under the title THE MEANING OF LIFE, THE BIG PICTURE .

This was the introduction to the article :

"With the holiday season upon us, LIFE asked some wise men and women to ponder why we are here. Scientists and theologians, authors and artists, celebrities and "everyday sages" on the street responded. The "answers," along with the work of seven photographers who captured the meaning of life on a single frame of film, provide a medley of philosophies--personal and at times profound."

You can read a set of responses here .

CLICK here for more responses with a selection of photos

Click here to buy the digital edition of this issue of Life magazine.

Blessed Art Thou O Lord 
Kiev Choir Chant with images from the Hubble telescope

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