Everyday Extravagant God

 This opening part of Sunday's Gospel from St Luke,  here
has been sticking around with me today

 "Jesus said to his disciples:
“Do not be afraid any longer, little flock,
for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom."

so I thought these videos and poem help to reflect on some of the gifts given freely to us with God's joy; all from the awesome treasure house of God's kingdom.

How can I not be anything other than grateful and what can I give in return ?

Every Day God

Brian Cox and the remarkable biological clocks of these beautiful Monarch Butterflies Clip is from the BBC Wonders of Life Series

Extravagant God

lavish God …
why do you waste so much time on us?
You create rainbows that no one sees;
shower down intricate
stunning autumn leaves by the billions
and one at a time
that we greet not with applause
but with complaints of inconvenience.

You place whales beneath fathoms of ocean
singing their plaintive, haunting songs
too deep for our ears to hear.

You create fantastic jungles
within a square foot of grass
a universe in an atom
breathtaking places that have never been seen
or appreciated by a single human being.

Why are we so bored and dull?

Why do we appreciate water most in the desert
health only during sickness
our friend when he leaves
our love when she dies?
Should we pray for less for you
 to ration Your grace
to waste no rainbow?

Forgive us.

You don’t paint rainbows
just for us to see
nor make birdsong
just for us to hear.
Rebuke our terrible pride
and chastise our deism
   that imagines You created only once long ago
and can’t perceive Genesis now
or Eden here
or what a new day means.

Help us to do two impossible things
to take it ALL in
 (every miraculous atom of it)
and to waste our time on a rose
  a place, a time, a person.

       Perhaps one will bring us all full time to eternity
one blackbird to You.
Prodigal God,
 may we find a millionth of the joy
that clearly is yours
Frank Ohler, Better than Nice and Other Unconventional Prayers, Westminster John Knox Press, 1989

My main post with reflections for Sunday 19th Ordinary Time 2013 is here

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