Pope Francis Daily Homilies Feed Update

Daily Meditations Pope FrancisFor those people who enquired as to why the homilies/reflections of Pope Francis came to a sudden stop, (they are posted on my side bar ) under this photo,(left) I sent an e.mail to the Pontifical Council for Social Communications and this is the reply they sent me today.

"The homilies will be posted again beginning in September, when the usual schedule begins once again. The break between July 7 and September 1st was planned -   http://www.news.va/en/news/popes-summer-agenda-released. We will post this information on the microsite we have going … http://www.news.va/en/sites/reflections. Apologies for any confusion. All the best !"

So far the hiatus has not affected the Pope's Twitter feed which I've just installed on the side bar. The latest was yesterday. 

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