Update - Week of Prayer For Christian Unity 2014 - Has Christ Been Divided ?

The annual "Week or Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity" began on Saturday and continues for the next seven days. Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox throughout the world will hold various events centred on praying for the unity of the Christian faith.

The Prayer Octave is traditionally celebrated between the feasts of St. Peter (Jan 18) and St. Paul (Jan 25). 

The theme for this year is “Has Christ Been Divided?” – 1 Cor:1-17

Both the Roman Catholic and the Revised Common lectionaries designate portions of this text (although not quite the same portions) as the second reading this weekend and next weekend.

The prayer resources this year were prepared by Christians in Canada, and include a reflection on how the particular circumstances of the church in Canada affect their experience of the theme. 

The materials are available both on the Vatican website and the World Council of Churches website, which has a link to the material as a PDF. 

Click here for music that has been composed and made available for use during this week of prayer.

The intention is for this week to be celebrated and prayed as widely as possible, so the material includes an order of worship for ecumenical services, as well as resources that can be used or adapted as part of a church’s usual services.

There are also scripture readings, reflections, and a theme for each of the eight days . The Daily Themes are listed below.....

Together, We are called to be saints
Together, We give thanks for God’s grace in one another
Together, We are not lacking in any spiritual gifts
Together, We affirm that God is faithful
Together, We are called into fellowship
Together,We seek to be in agreement
Together, We belong to Christ
Together, We proclaim the Gospel

Here is the prayer for Monday...

Faithful, open-handed God, we bless you that you have given us all the spiritual gifts we need to come to the measure of the full stature of Christ : for wisdom, for gifts of service and for bread. Help us to be signs of your abundance, gathered in unity to bring the gifts of your everlasting kingdom to every place of pain and lack.
Filled with the Spirit, we pray in the name of the One whose gift was the bread of his life broken for us, now and forever.

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