Pentecost Sunday 2012

Scripture readings for Pentecost Vigil Mass are here and Day Mass are here


Various Reflections from St Louis Liturgy Centre
are here

My previous post for Pentecost Sunday is here

This is a beautiful video that includes Taize and contemplative music featuring Fr. Thomas Keating reading Scripture.

When was the last time
that we heard the wind of your Spirit
roar through this place? 

When was the last time
your fire lit up this room?

When was the last time
we took you at your word
and met together in expectation
of your Spirit filling this place
and these lives with your Glory and Power?

Lord, you challenge us with Pentecost. 

Do we believe that this
was a once in eternity experience
never to be repeated? 

That the Holy Spirit was poured out
on your followers for a single purpose
and ended His work at that instant?

If so, then maybe that is why the Church
seems so powerless in this age
helpless when faced with the needs
both spiritual and physical
that we see in the world.

Lord, as we meet together
and celebrate once again
the memory of that first Pentecost
may it be for us as it was then
a moment of empowerment
an awareness of your Glory in this dark world

a life changing experience.
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

“It is not the lofty sails but the unseen wind that moves the ship.” Anonymous.

One Voice :The Wailin' Jenny's

Be Still For The Presence of The Lord

"The realization of this omnipresence of goodness and beauty, of Him who I love, has made life a very beautiful and rich thing for me . . . . 

As a more integral vision grew in me over the years, the residue of earlier prejudices against blacks and Jews and non-Catholics slipped away, and later induced prejudices against gays, activists, and communists were invalidated. I enjoy the beauty of all persons now;

 I touch the goodness in them.

We may see things very differently, but at root we are all children of one Father.

  We all share one humanity, we sincerely seek what seems good to us, and we struggle with our human frailty.  I enjoy the beauty of each created thing."

(A Place Apart by Fr. M. Basil Pennington, OCSO)

 The Body Is the Temple Of The Holy Spirit

"The body is a sacrament. The old traditional definition of sacrament captures this beautifully. A sacrament is a visible sign of invisible grace. In that definition there is a fine acknowledgement of how the unseen world comes to expression in the visible world. This desire for expression lies deep in the heart of the invisible world. All our inner life and intimacy of soul longs to find an outer mirror. It longs for a form in which it can be seen, felt and touched. 

The body is the mirror where the secret world of the soul comes to expression. The body is a sacred threshold, and it deserves to be respected, minded, and understood in the spiritual sense.

This sense of the body is wonderfully expressed in the amazing phrase from the Catholic tradition: the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit holds the intimacy of the Trinity alert and personified. T o describe the human body as the temple of the Holy Spirit recognises that the body is suffused with wild and vital divinity. 

This theological insight shows that the sensuous is sacred in the deepest sense."

Excerpt from Anam Cara John O’Donohue Bantam Books

The Canticle of The Turning
                                                                   Lyrics embedded

 Prayer (adapted from John O’Donohue) embodies the gifts of the Holy Spirit

      May we live each day
      Compassionate of heart,

      Clear in word,
      Gracious in awareness,

      Courageous in thought,
      Generous in love.


Gaelic Blessing John Rutter    

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