Tissot The Artist Who Believed and Reflections

People who have followed this blog throughout Lent will have come across  beautiful illustrations by James Tissot on the Life of Christ. Indeed there are 350 in the complete works!  I would like to include them all but that is impossible so in this post there are three videos, the last two show many of Tissot's paintings on the final days of Christs Passion.

and below is a  video on his work (H/T to Paul Snatchko at his blog Between The Burgh and The City  for this).Karen Sue Smith of America magazine has the goods on this 19th century French "artist-believer":

The two music videos with contemplative music and combined illustrations from Tissot for the Passion of Christ.
The first is The Night of Nights:The Final Meal of Christ's life and agony through the eyes of art and through the beautiful music of Handel's "Behold and see if there be any sorrow"
The second is  The Passion of Christ seen through the eyes of some of the most beautiful pieces of artwork by Tissot and various artists through the haunting music of Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei.

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