Women in The Catholic Church's Ministry Update

A few posts caught my eye this week.

Once again they tackle issues close to my heart.

Joan Chittister's article and ensuing comments in this article from NCR titled "Lack of women will irreversibly harm the church." 
I thoroughly recommend it  - some of the comments in support of Chittister moved me very much. 

I just cannot understand why the Pope is deaf to these calls.

I particularly like this comment which is remarkably fresh in vision :

"I’m just an old (83) retired Franciscan Priest, but I have long wondered why we don’t follow the Letter to the Hebrews and acknowledge that Jesus Himself is the only “Priest” we need. 

Neither men nor women ought to be ordained “priests”, but, if anyone should extend the presence and functions of the Bishop it ought to be the worshipping community itself. 

And within that community various people, men or women, single and married, have the capacity and can be delegated and trained to provide all the services we associate today with “priesthood."

This one by Thomas C. Fox, NCR Editor on the courageous integrity and action of the late Anita Caspary who struggled for the inclusion of women, the collaborative counsel and co-responsibility of lay people and the coming of a new day in ecclesiastical structures.
(Fox is NCR Editor.)

This one from Truth Ire and The Night called Our Strength 

Further reading

Women and The Church here

and here for more information on an interesting forthcoming open meeting
in the UK House of Commons on 1st November 2011. 

It's a presentation by Baroness Kennedy QC and a call for a free and open discussion on women's ordination in the Catholic Church.

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