Humble Beginnings

                                                               This poster was produced by Outreach Media.

Reflection below is taken from CAFOD's website based on the gospel for Christmas Day.

"Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."

Christmas, if we can look beyond the hype and commercialism, is a time when we remember and celebrate the birth of Christ. Despite his importance, Jesus was not born in a palace, surrounded by riches, or laid to rest on comfortable cushions ready to experience a life of luxury. The Son of God was born in a stable and laid to rest in a manger.

These humble beginnings teach us so much. 
Importance cannot be measured by wealth. 
Our status does not come from our possessions or where we are born. 
Rather, each and every one of us has the potential to achieve great things, no matter who we are or where we come from.

Sadly, so many people around the world do not have the opportunity to tap into this potential, because of poverty or conflict or illness. 
Perhaps we could challenge ourselves to look outwards and nurture the potential that occurs in the most surprising places this Christmas.

Christ Jesus,

you came to show us how to live differently. May we accept this challenge and enable all people around the world to reach their full potential.

A beautiful version of O Holy Night sung by Lisa Hannigan
with Fyfe Dangerfield and Nerina Pallot.

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