31st Sunday Ordinary Time 2012 Mass Reflections

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Scripture readings for Sunday's Mass are here

Various reflections from St Louis Centre for Liturgy here

In the video below the Monks of Gethesemani sing a most beautiful version of today's Psalm 18.

Since 1848 the monks of Gethsemani Abbey have lived a life of work and prayer. Thomas Merton and his friend and confessor Fr Matthew Kelty both lived there.

 Each day, seven times a day, they gather to lift their voices to sing the divine office. 

Vigils, Lauds, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline are the seven "hours" of the liturgy of the hours or opus Dei (work of God) as St. Benedict called it in his Rule. 

They are common prayer services, the prayer of the Church as well as the prayer of the community. None of these "hours" actually lasts an hour. 

All seven add up to two and a half or two and three-quarters hours. 

The backbone of these services is the 150 psalms, sung or recited according to a two-week cycle. 

At each hour there is also a hymn, reading from Scripture, prayer of the day and commemoration of Our Lady.


                                             God Be In Everything Kees Kraayenoord

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