Hopefully I'll add to this as time goes on..
New addition
From The Word of Fire and Robert Barron's Catholicism Series a Video Compilation of Lenten Reflections
Starting on February 22, Ash Wednesday, HuffPost Religion offers you the opportunity to walk together with an on-line community of pilgrims through this season of grown and discovery. Each day HuffPost will be updating this liveblog with loads of links to spiritual resources from across the blogosphere.
All Christian traditions are encouraged to participate whether or not Lent is observed in your church.
Lent starts this week on February 22nd Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday is 1st April
Maundy Thursday is 5th April
Good Friday 6th April
Holy Saturday 7th and Easter Sunday 8th April
on the SIDE BAR OF MY BLOG for the logo above, Click on it to take you
to a series of free resources and links for Lent 2012 which I will
hopefully add to as time goes on.
There’s an old Jewish tale about pocket reminders:
In one side pocket there’s “dust and ashes”.
On the other side there’s “for me the world was created”
The art of living a Jewish life is to balance them…..
New addition
From The Word of Fire and Robert Barron's Catholicism Series a Video Compilation of Lenten Reflections
Starting on February 22, Ash Wednesday, HuffPost Religion offers you the opportunity to walk together with an on-line community of pilgrims through this season of grown and discovery. Each day HuffPost will be updating this liveblog with loads of links to spiritual resources from across the blogosphere.
All Christian traditions are encouraged to participate whether or not Lent is observed in your church.
Lent starts this week on February 22nd Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday is 1st April
Maundy Thursday is 5th April
Good Friday 6th April
Holy Saturday 7th and Easter Sunday 8th April

or click here for these resources
There’s an old Jewish tale about pocket reminders:
In one side pocket there’s “dust and ashes”.
On the other side there’s “for me the world was created”
The art of living a Jewish life is to balance them…..
dot Magis the blog of Ignatian Spirituality.com has several free resources which can be downloaded free from here
Don't forget the excellent Ignatian Prayer Adventure from here. It started yesterday but you can access and join it anytime .
and among them, for something completely different, check out the free downloadable video series 40, an allegory about Lent and its meaning from Loyola Productions.
Go to 40theseries for more information.
Two of my favourite sites follow :
I strongly recommend you check out Fr. Austin Fleming at A Concord Pastor Comments
"Beginning on Ash Wednesday, you'll find a daily Lenten post on prayer here. The posts will centre around the verse inscribed on the Cross above: Be still and know that I am God...
The aim of these posts will be to call each of us to prayer and to offer some seeds or prayer starters to help us quiet down and know that God is with us. "
The excellent Sacred Space102fm
Look out for their logo below on the side bar
You'll plenty of rich offerings, many with an Irish flavour, to sustain you for Lent here
Two of my favourite sites follow :
I strongly recommend you check out Fr. Austin Fleming at A Concord Pastor Comments
"Beginning on Ash Wednesday, you'll find a daily Lenten post on prayer here. The posts will centre around the verse inscribed on the Cross above: Be still and know that I am God...
The aim of these posts will be to call each of us to prayer and to offer some seeds or prayer starters to help us quiet down and know that God is with us. "
The excellent Sacred Space102fm
Look out for their logo below on the side bar
You'll plenty of rich offerings, many with an Irish flavour, to sustain you for Lent here
Catholic Cafod Lent resources
Christian Aid Resources Count Your Blessings
Presbyterian Tread Lightly For Lent Ecology oriented
Christian Aid Resources Count Your Blessings
Presbyterian Tread Lightly For Lent Ecology oriented
Godspace Christine Sine
Lenten Journey into Wholeness Lenten Series 52 page free booklet here
from Mustard Seed Associates
Lenten Journey into Wholeness Lenten Series 52 page free booklet here
from Mustard Seed Associates
A variety of several links here
Jan Richardson Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross video below
Help us, awesome God, to be honest with ourselves and with you. We want to change our wasteful, destructive ways. We want to be rid of the evil that weighs us down, the guilt that crushes our spirits. Have mercy on us as we remember and confess our sins in these moments of silent struggle. Purge us of all the garbage from our past. Wash us in the flowing streams of your forgiving love. Create in us clean hearts, o God, and fill our lives with a new and right spirit. Sustain our hearts day by day in renewed focus on your steadfast love.
From Lavon Bayler's, Gathered By Love:

Don't forget the Taize chants series of videos which are also ON THE SIDE BAR.
Look for and click on this logo which is immediately underneath the Lent 2012 logo.

or Look for and click on this logo on the side bar of my Blog underneath the Taize chant photo above

There is also a video series of Kyrie Eleison Chants from here.
Look out for this logo on the side bar .
Christine Sine Lenten Reflection Video can be purchased here
It focuses on our brokenness and need for repentance.. It is similar to the one produced in 2009 but because of a number of requests in HD they have replaced some of the original photos with better quality ones.
This is a free one !!
Featured Music: “O Redemptor” from the CD “Prayers of St. Brendan” by Jeff Johnson
© 2011 Ark Records Used with permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Ash Wednesday in Two Minutes from Busted Halo
Ashes and Dust Ash Wednesday
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